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Casing/ Casement Doors


Wooden Doors

Doors, which provide passage between spaces, are complementary elements of spaces with their decorativeappearance and functional structures. Doors are also important for ensuring privacy and security. As itadds richness to the environment in terms of architecture, alternatives that will appeal to every tastecan be created with different models and designs. Depending on the capacity of the passage area, they canbe designed as single or double wings in special dimensions and sizes.


Casing/ Casement Doors
Casing/ Casement Doors

System Features

These products are manufactured from melamine, laminate, MDFLAM, natural wood, lacquered or compactmaterial for hospitals, hotels, schools, conference halls and offices in accordance with their intendeduse and purpose.

Our doors, which can be manufactured with wooden / aluminum frame and without moldings, can bemanufactured as  fire resistant (30', 60', 120') and sound insulated (30 db, 42 db, 60 db)depending on the place of use.  

Aluminum Doors

Aluminum, one of the world's oldest metals with a wide range of applications, is primarily preferredfor indoor and outdoor door and window solutions with its easy-to-apply feature.

Aluminum Door is preferred as it is resistant to corrosion and adverse weather conditions both indoorsand outdoors.

FFolding aluminum Doors, sliding aluminum Doors, revolving aluminum Doors are manufactured in variousshapes, single leaf and double leaf/wings.

This product, which has no size and model limitations and can be designed, manufactured and assembledin desired dimensions according to the architecture of the area where it will be applied, adds value toprojects with its economic and ergonomic structure.

Aluminum, which can be designed as a building entrance door, fire door and the door of any part of theinterior spaces, is among the leading door material options today, as it was in the past, with itsdurable and long-lasting structure.


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