1988 yılında Bursa’da kurulan Altınbölme; özel projelerde ürün geliştirme, tasarım, üretim ve montaj hizmetleri vermektedir. Sektörde 34. yılını dolduran Altınbölme, özel ve kurumsal projelerde; akustik malzeme çözümleri, modüler ofis bölmeleri, hareketli akustik bölmeler ve butik ahşap ofis mobilyaları alanında sektördeki lider kuruluşlar arasında yer almaktadır.
Wood is an integral part of the partition wall. Considering this, Altınbölme added a wood facility and expandedits production line.
In addition, Altınbölme continues to be an indispensable choice in door types, acoustic panels, officefurniture and boutique wood manufacturing.
Founded in 1988 in Bursa, Altınbölme provides product development, design, production and assembly servicesfor special projects. Having completed its 34th year in the sector, Altınbölme is among the leadingorganizations in the sector in the field of acoustic material solutions, modular office partitions, movableacoustic partitions and boutique wooden office furniture in private and corporate projects.
Altınbölme carries your projects to the architecture of the future with innovative designs and fastimplementation methods on the road it has set out on with its systems that are constantly improved by fixingits quality with experience and the slogan “,Don't Build Walls Between You&rdquo.; In addition to thepoint it has reached throughout the country with the concepts of quality, functionality, imagination andcompetitiveness, Altınbölme continues to sign important projects in the Middle East with its head office inTehran (Iran) as well as its Ankara office.
With 33 years of service experience, our biggest goal is to increase our position among the leadingdistributors of the sector day by day with our contemporary and aesthetic designs, new generation innovativeprojects and flawless application techniques and to have a quality identity on a global scale.
With the strength of our inherited reliability and experience, we are proud to take firm steps forward onthis path that we set out with the vision of increasing the projects and applications of our innovative,creative and modern interior designs to a level that will adapt to the dynamics brought by the sector, torespond to special designs with different perspectives and to be a brand with a signature in happy livingspaces.
With our contemporary, modern, aesthetic and economical service policy, we have been meeting the expectationsof the sector since 1988, and we provide eye-catching and ergonomic spaces with our personalized designs andproductions.
Our greatest mission is to create solutions that meet every expectation and imagination, align our work withindustry innovations, and create useful workspaces and peaceful living spaces.
Memory archive
With our young and dynamicemployers, our company strives for unconditional customer satisfaction. Our company, which has a uniform andcontinuous understanding of quality; With the received certificates ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management, TS EN123 and Trademark Registration, the product and service quality has been registered and guaranteed. Ourservices are always offered based on the principles of satisfaction and trust of our customers.
It isthe basic policy of our company to earn the trust of our customers. The satisfaction of our customersdetermines the success of our company and makes us proud. Always offering more than expected, always beingone step ahead is what sets us apart from other companies; It is also our most important tenet tocontinually strengthen our leadership position in the industry by exceeding standards andexpectations.
Dahili: 120
Everyone does their own job
We have been a solution partner with strong suppliers who are experts in their field and industry for manyyears. For all the products and services we purchase, we give preference to products from brands that complywith IEC, ISO and DIN standards, comply with environmental protection guidelines and have product qualitymanagement certificates.